
Physical education: education, training №1 2020


L.I. Lubysheva, L.D. NazarenkoActualization of Problems of Social Adaptation and Detraining of Athletes Upon Sports Career Termination© ►►►pp.2

A.I. Rakovetsky, V.V. Ponomarev, D.O. ZalivanApplied Professional Physical Fitness Training in Physical Education Service for Female University Students© ►►►pp.6
T.G. Arutyunyan, A.G. Galimova, E.K. Kyrgys, D.G. RadchenkoPatriotic education of students of general education institutions during track and field trainings© ►►►pp.8
M.V. Andrianov, E.D. Mitusova, M.V. Morozov Endurance building model for 13-14 year-old schoolchildren engaged in skiing training with use of special exercises© ►►►pp.11

L.G. Ryzhkova, V.V. Bobkov, M.A. Kuzmin, E.I. FedorovtsevaOrganizing and holding GTO complex festivals for students in conditions of GTO testing center of MOSCOMSPORT© ►►►pp.14
J.E. Yakubenko, V.E. SmirnovPhysical training of men of different age groups for GTO complex test "pull-ups on horizontal bar"© ►►►pp.17
N.I. Sinyavskiy, A.V. Fursov, A.Yu. Dron, V.V. VasilievAnalysis of results of competition "Exemplary student in physical education discipline" in conditions of general education institution of KHMAR-YUGRA© ►►►pp.20
A.V. Markelov, V.V. Ponomarev, M.Yu. Kan, A.L. OstranitsaRussian national competitive-game exercises in military personnel physical training system © ►►►pp.23

A.A. Lozovoy, V.V. Ponomarev, D.A. Shubin Comprehensive training technology to from free throw performance skills in female technical university students engaged in basketball© ►►►pp.26
V.G. Chibrikina, Yu.P. Alekseeva, N.G. VronskayaPedagogical control of university basketball picked team training based on throwing technique rating© ►►►pp.28

L.M. Volosnikova, E.A. Kukuev, G.Z. EfimovaCorrelation between injury rate, physical activity and engagement in sports of Tyumen schoolchildren© ►►►pp.32
L.A. Simonyan, Yu.V. VorobyevaSensory development of children of early preschool age using integrated approach to physical activity© ►►►pp.35
Yu. I. Dudkina, O.M. Mirzoev, A.N. RogozinaHealth and physical fitness level monitoring in university students© ►►►pp.38
G.V. Shvets, E.D. Mitusova, I.N. Stolyarova, N.B. ChitaykinaIntegration of cognitive and motor activities of preschoolers during physical education classes© ►►►pp.41
A.V. Yatskovsky, L.K. Sidorov, A.L. OstranitsaBlock system of formation of applied self-defense skills in female university students© ►►►pp.44
M.P. StarodubtsevPhysical education background formation in Russian military educational establishments in second half of XIX century in terms of military reform© ►►►pp.46
K.V. Sukhinina, V.V. Shokhirev, N.A. Bulycheva, O.A. VolodkoDependence between dietary regime and physical development rates in first-year students© ►►►pp.49

«CHILDREN'S TRAINER» – journal in journal
Yu.L. Voitenko, V.R. SolomatinPlanning training loads of different orientations for young swimmers based on their special physical working capacity rates© ►►►pp.54
Z.T. UsmanovaMental conditioning service to junior hockey players at initial stage of sports career© ►►►pp. 57
A.R. Mamaev, N.V. Dusina, A.V. Shigaev, K.N. SokolovSpeed-strength training method based on impact of muscular resonance on human body© ►►►pp.60
A.V. LazutkinDevelopment of speed-strength qualities of young sprinters at initial sport specialization stage© ►►►pp.63
A.V. Antipov, V.P. GubaAnalysis of indicators of technical and tactical actions of young football players based on results of matches played © ►►►pp.66
I.D. Svishchev, R.V. Tambovtseva, V.N. Cheremisinov, A.K. BelyakovConvergence of information and cognitive technologies in application to athletes learning motor actions© ►►►pp.68

V.V. Ponomarev, L.K. Sidorov, D.A. ShubinManagerial activities in physical education and sports in Krasnoyarsk region: state and prospects© ►►►pp.71

P.G. Bordovskiy, M.M. Predovskaya, L.A. ZavarukhinaFostering national identity while applying distance educational technologies in physical education and sport sector© ►►►pp.74

Kh.Kh. Alshuvayli Comparative analysis of effectiveness of training of football referees in Russia and Iraq© ►►►pp.77

Asaad Muhannad Khisamovich, L.V. Bulykina, V.P. Guba – The content of psychogram blocks of libero in youth volleyball teams© ►►►pp.5
K.Ya. Gadisov, A.A. Martynov – Phased form of physical training of military personnel© ►►►pp.10
M.S. Cherkasova, M. Al Khalili, V.M. Alekseev – Interval shuttle-running peak test 60/10 for performance measurements on tennis court© ►►►pp.3
V.V. Ivashina – Twisting motions in rhythmic gymnastics© ►►►pp.25
A.V. Orlov – Evaluation of effectiveness of training load distribution in annual training cycle of sports specialization futsal group athletes© ►►►pp.37
Yu.B. Almazova – Organization of competitions based on digital technologies to enhance students participation© ►►►pp.43
A.S. Zaichenko, Yu.A. Popov – Technical characteristics of professional football players of different game positions in match and their contingency© ►►►pp.52
L.V. Veselova, D.A. Shlapak, V.A. Zaborova – INDIBA pro-ion system in comprehensive rehabilitation of fencers after anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery© ►►►pp.59
I.V. Fedotova, I.S. Tamozhnikova, M.A. Bykova – Analysis of coordinated testing indices in children with spinal pathology© ►►►pp.62
Huang Yun, L.V. Bulykina, V.P. Guba – Analysis of sports injuries of volleyball players of People's Republic of China© ►►►pp.73
D.S. Yakushev – Rating of number of messages regarding RPCSC GTO facility in information and propaganda environment© ►►►pp.76
T.A. Kravchuk, E.V. Ginzhul – Justification of concentrated programs to build tourist skills in students aged 16-17© ►►►pp.78