Convergence of information and cognitive technologies in application to athletes learning motor actions
Dr.Hab., Professor I.D. Svishchev1
Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
PhD, Professor V.N. Cheremisinov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.K. Belyakov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the method of convergence of the information and cognitive technologies of teaching motor actions based on the analysis of triads of training objects and consideration of the information-visual programs, matrix-target selection of exercises and reorganization of motor actions.
Methods and structure of the study. Within the framework of our study, the following research methods were used: an analysis of scientific and methodological literature; a questionnaire survey; information (IT) and cognitive (CT) technologies; an analysis of triads of objects; the "ITCT-convergence" method; expert assessment; modeling; information-visual programs; visual thinking method; matrix-target selection of exercises; reorganization of motor actions; training program design.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study enabled to find approaches to the formation of convergence as interpenetration of the "info-cogno" technologies of teaching motor actions, which is based on the analysis of triads of training objects and consideration of the information-visual programs, matrix-target selection of exercises and reorganization of motor actions, which enabled to develop an additional form of training sessions.
Keywords: information and cognitive technologies, triads of objects, convergence, information-visual programs, visual thinking, matrix-target selection of exercises, reorganization of motor actions, training program design.
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