Sensory development of children of early preschool age using integrated approach to physical activity


PhD L.A. Simonyan1
Yu.V. Vorobyeva2
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region
2Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 1 “Muraveinik”, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to determine the peculiarities of sensory development of children of early preschool age through physical trainings with the use of sports and gaming equipment.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted at the premises of Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten No. 1 "Muraveinik", Kolomna city. Sampled for the experiment were the children of early preschool age (3-4 years). Two groups were formed: Experimental (EG) and Control (CG), 22 people each. The CG subjects were trained according to the standard program, while the EG ones - using an integrated approach.
Results of the study and conclusions. As a result of regular sensory development of the children of early preschool age through physical trainings with the use of sports and gaming equipment, the children were able to master the skills and abilities indicating the corresponding level of development of perception: the children were able to single out and consider colors, shapes, sizes, textures and other signs of objects more effectively when performing a number of practical actions; group and select objects by color, shape, size and other properties. The physical education means contain unlimited opportunities not only for solving specific tasks of physical education, including health improvement, but also for fostering a positive attitude to the game and friendly relationships.

Keywords: children of early preschool age, physical activity, educational process, physical exercises.


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