Fostering national identity while applying distance educational technologies in physical education and sport sector


PhD, Associate Professor P.G. Bordovskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor M.M. Predovskaya1
PhD L.A. Zavarukhina2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov College of Music, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the formation of national identity in the educational process with the use of distance/ remote educational technologies in the field of physical education and sports.
Results of the study and conclusions. During the study, the author shares the experience of formation of national identity by using distance educational technologies in the field of physical education and sports. While going into higher education, distance learning occupies a special place among students whose future profession is related to the fields of physical education, sports and health, since it makes it possible to combine active sports at a professional level with the educational process with no significant damage to the latter. Which means they also enable to affect the formation of national identity.
The author notes that trainings with the use of distance educational technologies not only can, but also must contribute to the formation of national identity, as a continuation of the policy of a multinational state. The introduction of distance educational technologies not only enables to balance the educational process for students who combine educational and sports activities, but also provides an opportunity to include elements of national culture, thereby contributing to the formation of national identity and patriotism. The formation of national identity with the help of distance educational technologies in Lesgaft National State University, St. Petersburg, indicated the possibility and necessity of such work.

Keywords: identity, cultural identity, national identity, post-modernity, distance educational technologies, sports, Internet.


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