Analysis of results of competition "Exemplary student in physical education discipline" in conditions of general education institution of KHMAR-YUGRA
Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Dron1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Vasiliev1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to identify the level of development of the students’ motor skills and knowledge on the subject "Physical Education" in the conditions of general education institutions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra.
Methods and structure of the study. 68 male and 66 female fourth-graders of Surgut educational institutions participated in the competition. The competition was conducted in two rounds. Round 1 was carried out in the form of remote testing to assess theoretical knowledge. Round 2 was a full-time one and was carried out at the sports base of Surgut State Pedagogical University. The program of Round 2 included such competitive tests as: standing long jump, 3x10 m shuttle run, tennis ball throws on target, etc.
Results of the study and conclusions. The professional skills competition among the students of general education institutions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region-Yugra "Exemplary Student in Physical Education discipline" made it possible to identify the subject-related educational problems of both substantive and methodological nature. The problem of substantive nature is that the didactic training model and pedagogical tools are not reoriented towards achieving results in the form of well-developed skills and abilities and generalized work methods. The problem of methodological nature in terms of the Physical Education discipline consists in the fact that motor experience shaping should be carried out through mastering new motor skills and the ability to apply them in conditions of varying complexity.
Keywords: competition, students, theoretical tasks, practical tasks, Physical Education discipline.
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