Endurance building model for 13-14 year-old schoolchildren engaged in skiing training with use of special exercises


PhD M.V. Andrianov1
PhD E.D. Mitusova1
M.V. Morozov1
1State University of Social Studies and Humanities, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to develop and scientifically substantiate the innovative sets of exercises to develop endurance in the 13-14 year-old students during physical education classes in cross-country skiing.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution Secondary School No. 15 of Kolomna city, and lasted from November 2017 through March 2019. Sampled for the study were 18 schoolchildren aged 13-14, including 9 boys and 9 girls, who were tested with approximately the same physical fitness and physical development rates. For the EG, we developed and introduced in the training process three sets of body-conditioning, imitative, lead-up and special conditioning exercises (SCE) aimed to develop and improve the basic physical and motor qualities necessary for cross-country skiing.
Results of the study and conclusions. The educational experiment enabled to develop and introduce in the educational process three sets of special conditioning exercises differing in the tasks to be solved at this training stage. In order for schoolchildren to quickly prepare for control tests in cross-country skiing, it is necessary to properly organize the skiing classes, develop a lesson plan and clearly distribute the training material. The use of special conditioning exercises when teaching the skiing technique contributed to the increase of the effectiveness of educational work with the 13-14 year-old students during physical education classes.

Keywords: students, cross-country skiing, comprehensive school, physical education program.


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