Dependence between dietary regime and physical development rates in first-year students


PhD K.V. Sukhinina1, 2
PhD V.V. Shokhirev2
N.A. Bulycheva2
O.A. Volodko2
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to identify the relations of nutrition and dietary regime with the levels of physical development and physical fitness of first-year students.
Methods and structure of the study. A total of 538 first-year students of Irkutsk Sate University were sampled for the study, including 183 boys and 356 girls. The mean age was 18.19±0.57 years. The following research methods were applied: questionnaire survey to study the dietary structure and regimen; somatometric studies: height, weight, body mass index (BMI) determined as provided by the World Health Organization; anthropometric measurements: body fat mass, lean body mass in kg, total fat and total water level in the body taken by means of scales fat analyzers.
Results of the study and conclusions. The majority of the first-year students take balanced meals 3-4 times a day and rarely experience hunger. In all the first-year students under study, BMI was closer to the lower limit of normal. Their bodies lacked water. In the young males, the body fat mass rate was higher than normal. All physical development rates in the first-year students of both sexes were within the normal limits against the background of high contents of internal fat. The physical fitness level was average in all subjects. We determined the correlation relationships between the amount of water in the students’ body and their progress rates in such tests as standing long jump, pull-ups, and shuttle run.

Keywords: students, anthropometric measurements, nutrition, physical development, rates, correlation.


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