Theory and Practice of Physical Culture № 2 2019


L.I. Kostyunina, A.Y. Tikhonova, I.N. TimoshinaRegional sport heritage protection concept: human resource development aspect© ►►►pp.6
A.Yu. Tikhonova, D.V. Makarov, A.P. MaltsevaActive ethnic games as regional cultural heritage promotion tool© ►►►pp.8

A.S. Vanesyan, G.I. Mokeev, K.V. ShestakovAntidoping or innovative rehabilitation technologies applicable after high-intensity physical trainings© ►►►pp.11
O.A. Tolmachev, V.O. Tolmachev, S.L. Tikhonov, N.V. TikhonovaEffects of new mineral drink on athletic adaptability© ►►►pp.15
N.I. Shlyk, E.S. Lebedev, O.S. VershininaAthletic training process quality rating by express tests of heart rate variability in view of individual type of regulation© ►►►pp.18
O.L. Petrozak, I.R. Stovba, N.V. Stolyarova, E.Y. SavinykhCardiovascular system and blood circulation control mechanisms functionality tests in female students© ►►►pp.21
Yu.N. Romanov, L.A. Romanova, S.A. Knyazev, A.L. LyapinaEffects of l-tyrosine amino acid on competitive performance of 17-19 years old academic table tennis players© ►►►pp.24
L.A. Romanova, A.V. Yeganov, S.A. Nikiforova, A.S. Aminova Analysis of fat mass distribution in bodily segments of 17-20 year old female students trained in fitness groups© ►►►pp.26
E.F. Surina-Marysheva, V.V. Erlikh, Yu.B. Korableva, S.A. KantyukovHeart rate variability profiling tests to forecast competitive progress of 15-16 years old elite ice hockey players© ►►►pp.29

V.A. Lobova, A.V. Mironov, V.A. Mishchenko, S.A. Gilmanov – Rating physical activity versus physical and mental health of indigenous and migrant junior population of north of siberia© ►►►pp.32
E.A. Selivanova, D.F. Ilyasov, E.A. Cherepov, L.V. SmirnovaPhysical education specialist’s emotional burnout test and prevention provisions © ►►►pp.35
E.A. Bragina, I.V. Skripichnikova, I.A. Semikasheva Locus of control and coping strategies in female mass sport groups © ►►►pp.38

E.V. Titova, E.A. Cherepov, N.S. Koneva, V.V. Erlikh, O.V. DubrovinAthletic training systems in russia versus us: patenting laws and experiences © ►►►pp.41
O.S. Kogan, S.D. Galiullina, M.V. LifanovaLabour guarantees and remunerations in professional sports: problem identification © ►►►pp.44

A.A. OpletinAcademic physical education driven self-development model focused on cultural domain of academic education process © ►►►pp.47
V.S. Leshukov, Yu.A. Yarushev, I.V. Izarovskaya, E.N. SumakAdvanced application physical education model for engineering susu students © ►►►pp.49
S.V. Kakhnovich, V.V. Izvekov, K.V. Izvekov Role of physical education in personality development process © ►►►pp.52
I.R. Stovba, N.V. Stolyarova, O.L. Petrozak, A.R. IshmatovaBenefits of badminton driven academic physical education model for female students© ►►►pp.54
I.V. Astrakhantseva, A.I. Kolesnik, A.V. NazarenkoInterrelations of ecological and physical education (pe) in academic education service© ►►►pp.57

Q.M. Nayrat, Q.B. Yaseen, I.C. Abdel Hag, J.A. NazerEffect of special rehabilitation/ therapeutic programs to correct shoulder girdle deformations in senior schoolgirls© ►►►pp.60
E.M. Yanchik, E.A. Cherepov, Laurentiu-Gabriel TalaghirPhysical education and recreation model for students with chronic non-specific respiratory diseases© ►►►pp.62

A.V. Tsyganov, Y.V. Tsyganova, I.V. Stolyarova Mathematical computerized modeling of daily healthy thermal homeostasis© ►►►pp.65
A.V. Meshcheryakov, V.V. VavilovPhysical activation model to facilitate body cleansing of radioactive isotopes© ►►►pp.68
S.Y. Kanina, O.E. Romanovskaya, E.V. ErmolaevaSports-specific english language express-course for volunteers© ►►►pp.71

TRAINER – journal in journal
I.P. Sivokhin, V.F. Skotnikov, N.A. Ogienko, A.I. Fedorov, I.A. ShilovBiomechanical criteria application for elite weightlifters’ technical mastery excelling systems and progress tests© ►►►pp.74
I.S. Kolesnik, D.A. Osipov, F.A. GatinRole of situational data flow processing for afferent synthesis of motor responses in boxing© ►►►pp.77
L.D. Nazarenko, I.N. Timoshina, I.A. MingalishevaTechnical excelling model for modern fitness aerobics© ►►►pp.81
A.A. Romashov, O.B. Malkov, A.O. Zvezdova Counterattack tactics with side movements in boxing© ►►►pp.84

E.I. Sheenko, B.G. TolistinovAnalysis of dissertations on issues of physical education service for special health groups© ►►►pp.90
S.V. Lukashevich, K.E. Lukovkin, T.A. MakarovaLegal provisions for transfers of athletes© ►►►pp.93
M.I. Lukyanova, L.P. Shustova, S.V. DanilovValues-driven health agenda formation: innovative experience of regional educational establishments© ►►►pp.96
A.A. Nesterova, L.I. Eremina, O.V. ChetaykinaSocial creativity models to build up environmental competency in physical education and sport university students© ►►►pp.99
S.A. Aitkulov, N.V. Mamylina, V.I. DolgovaPsychoemotional peculiarities of students-participants of search-and-reburial group «Eterna»© ►►►pp.102