Brainworkers' health education and improvement model




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.89-92

Dr.Med. T.A. Shilko1
T.P. Prokopets2
Dr.Hab. V.L. Krainik3
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2Scientific and Research Institute of Cardiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk
3Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul

The study offers and analyses benefits of a brainworkers’ health education and improvement model based on the concepts of genuine personality values, persistent progress and developmental cyclicality supported by prudently combined health tools customisable to the individual needs and capacities with due provisions against the potential risk factors. Subject to the study were 183 female brainworkers of 28 to 65 years of age split up into an Experimental Group (n=118) and Reference Group (n=65). Every subject was tested to obtain the cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory system functionality rates and the mental/ emotional performance rates by the relevant depression, response, personality anxiety and frustration rating tests.
The study data showed benefits of a brainworkers’ health education and improvement model as verified by the physical, mental and emotional progress rates achieved by the EG, the progress being further supported by the initiatives to build up the relevant knowledgebase, understanding of the self-control mechanisms and disease-prevention and health building effects of the physical practices associated with the physical and spiritual personality progress and life quality improvements.

Keywords: health education and improvement activity, model, brainworker.


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