Modern cooperation marketing applied to promote municipal sports: case study of local sports and GTO complex test promotion project




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2017, pp.9-11

Applicant E.A. Kalieva1, 3
Applicant A.S. Yakovlev1, 2
Applicant A.V. Kolychev1, 2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Sports and Youth Policy Department of the Tyumen Municipal Government, Tyumen
3Tyumen Municipal Multidisciplinary Centre, Tyumen

The study considers a modern municipal sports promotion technology that applies a set of modern marketing innovative tools including the BTL-marketing ones: event marketing, promo-actions, СММ-promotion including prize-winning contests sponsored by partners etc. The study lists the relevant actions implemented by the Sports and Youth Policy Department of the Tyumen Municipal Government geared to promote the municipal sports with a special emphasis on the mass physical cultural and sport events in the city. The study underlines the importance of the target initiatives to ensure due commitment of the local mass-media organizations for the sport events to facilitate the physical culture sports promotion projects in Tyumen city. The projects may include the GTO Complex tests implementation, special events (Athlete’s Day, Youth Day, City Day, Day of Russia etc.), yoga classes for office personnel, thematic conferences etc. The study data and analyses show that the systemic physical education and sports promotion initiatives in the local communities including determined actions to engage potential social partners into the relevant interdepartmental cooperation projects and public-private partnerships have helped notably increase the sporting population in municipality.

Keywords: interdepartmental cooperation, public-private partnerships, BTL, cooperation marketing, CMM-promotion.


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