Personality-centered education program design approach for law enforcement officers




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.77-79

PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Troyan
Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tyumen

The study was designed to find the most efficient ways to improve the advanced education process models, methods and tools to improve physical fitness of police officers in the local low-enforcement divisions. The study objective included the following goals: identify the demand for and priority of the competencies and the relevant education programs for the subject police officers, followed by adjustments to the existing education programs; test the professional fitness rates of the subject police officers; identify the key specifics of their professional training and find the most efficient mechanisms to improve the latter; and provide due substantiations for the benefits of the new education process model to advance competences of the subject police officers. For the above purposes, the following methods were applied: analysis and summary of the available theoretical, practical and research materials versus the practical professional experience of the trainees; professional fitness tests; and questionnaire survey. The study has found a few factors hampering progress of the education program. It was found, for instance, that most of the trainees are in need of basic pedagogical education and show very diverse educational needs.
It was found by the study that it is the personality-centered education models that provide the most promising avenues for the physical education system improvement in the local law-enforcement divisions.

Keywords: physical training, education group leaders, police officers, personality-centered education model, combat skills, individual education path.


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