Motor activity self-rating analysis by 11-12 year-old pupils in context of GTO complex tests




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.55-57

Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD E.V. Dmitrieva1
K.G. Ivanov2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Gymnasium "Salakhov Laboratory", Surgut

The study profiled the pupils’ weekly motor activity by the education process charts with the regime-specific motor activity self-rating analysis. The authors surveyed the physical education teachers on the physical training forms and regimen on a weekly basis and their efficiency rates in the context of the children’s training for the GTO Complex tests. The Class III 11-12 year-old pupils’ weekly activity profiles showed that they are dominated by the obligatory physical education at school. The self-analysis of the weekly physical training forms and regimen showed that benefits of the individual self-reliant motor activity forms (including morning gymnastics, daily activities like pre-work warming-up practices, dynamic rest breaks, physical training breaks, group sport practices etc.) are still underestimated in training for the GTO Complex tests.

Keywords: motor regimes, forms of motor activity, 11-12 year-old pupils, physical activity process charts, motor activity self-rating analysis, GTO Complex test standards.


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