Integrated training in rhythmic gymnastics




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.44-46

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Borisova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Titova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Polyakova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.А. Shestakova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Morozov1
1Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula

The study considers integrated training method applicable in rhythmic gymnastics.
The experimental integrated training model was tested at Triumph Sport School in Tula city on 12 gymnasts of 9-10 years of age trained by A.V. Titova forming the Study Group which progress was rated versus that of the Reference Group of 12 gymnasts of 9-10 years of age. Motor activity of both Groups was virtually the same, with 5 training sessions per week of 2 hours 15 minutes each, the training service provided by Masters of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The training process in the Study Group was designed as required by the study objectives and mission. The Reference Group was trained under the traditional training program with the technical and special physical training components being separate. In the special physical training component of the Study Group, special sets of exercises were applied to build the most important sport-specific qualities including flexibility, coordination and speed-strength qualities in parallel with the apparatus-specific technical skills. The new and particularly beneficial aspect of the new training model is the special priority given to the complex coordination elements. The efficient combination of the technical and physical training elements in the junior gymnasts’ education and training process was found to speed up the training process and improve both the physical and technical fitness of the gymnasts in the early sport specialisation stage that shows the model benefits for the sport progress and performance mastery.

Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, integration training model, apparatus training, physical training, combined effects.


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