Rating competitive fitness in women's volleyball




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.32-33

PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Novozhilova1
Associate Professor M.P. Gagina2
N.Y. Stepanova2
1P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl
2Ivanovo Institute of Power Engineering named after V. I. Lenin, Ivanovo

The study was designed to rate players’ competitive fitness in women’s volleyball, with their primary mental and emotional status rates being applied as input data for the analysis. The players were tested by the computerized ROFES E01C System prior to and after the games with the test data processed using the Student t-criterion and data meaning rating. The tests showed the players being highly fit for the competitions.
Generally the mental and emotional status rate helps detect potential weaknesses in the players’ fitness to select the most appropriate corrective training tools and methods.
The study findings may be helpful for designs of the education and training systems applicable at the children’s sport schools and general education schools and in the volleyball basics mastering academic courses – including the theoretical and practical courses for pedagogical university students and advanced training courses for volleyball trainers.

Keywords: competition, control, volleyball, test, mental and emotional status, female players.


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