Served ball speed in volleyball versus scoring statistics




Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №4-2017, pp.21-23

N.Y. Belova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Bulykina1
Postgraduate A.V. Dvornikov1
V.M. Belov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow

Serve that is historically a technical action to start the game has evolved to an active attacking action in the modern volleyball, with the high-mastery service causing difficulties for the opponents and giving a chance to score.
Objective of the study was to analyse the served ball speed and trajectory versus the game scoring statistics. The study was timed to the XXV Russian Volleyball Championship of Men’s Super League (November 7, 2015 to April 12, 2016) with participation of 14 volleyball teams. Subject to the video data processing were 1276 serves in total. The study data and analyses showed that the modern classical volleyball gives preference to the float and jump serves. The most common and scoring at present is the high-pace jump serve that may be 100-120 km/h fast albeit the error rate in this serve type is notably higher than in the float serve.

Keywords: highly-skilled volleyball players, game, ball, serve, ball speed.


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