Rating schoolchildren's fitness for "Ready for Labour and Defence" GTO complex tests



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.94-95

Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Objective of the present study was to rate the schoolchildren’s fitness for the Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex Class I-VI tests.
Subject to the study were the Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex Class I-VI test records of 8,338 schoolchildren. The study found that 30.9% of the subjects could qualify for the GTO Gold, Silver or Bronze Badge and 69.1% failed the tests.
The study data and analyses showed one of seven schoolchildren being unable to pass the Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex tests; and this is the reason why a top priority needs to be given to the new training technologies, forms and tools to advance the schoolchildren’s training system to make them fit for the Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex tests.

Keywords: physical fitness of schoolchildren, I-VI levels, state requirements of Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO complex.


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