Strength fitness rates of junior volleyball and futsal players: comparative analysis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.91-92

PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Kudryashov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

Progress data may be obtained by a theoretically grounded rating test system, standards and functionality rating criteria making it possible to profile progress of specific physical qualities in particular and different physical fitness aspects on the whole.
The study analyses the issues of the junior female athletes’ strength fitness in volleyball and futsal sports. An experimental study was carried out to rate the strength qualities in the mass-class female athletes. The study findings may be applied in the team sport training process for the strength building process control with the relevant timely corrections to the training system.
The study data and findings may be beneficial for the volleyball and futsal coaching specialists and analysts in their training process design initiatives. The study data may be also helpful for the current and staged athletic progress rating tests to provide grounds for the relevant training process management decisions. The study findings make it possible to select and manage the training models on a most efficient basis, apply the relevant training methods and design their application hierarchy.
Although the study is not expected to decisively solve the raft of issues addressed in the article, we still hope that the study data and findings may be beneficial for the coaches and sport specialists in the elite female players’ training process.

Keywords: comparative characteristics, indicators, strength, fitness, female athletes, volleyball, futsal.


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