Control of the functional state of highly qualified Taekwondo players in preparation for the main start of the season using the mid-mountain range



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.78-82

PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Mishchenko1
PhD, Professor V.A. Kashkarov1
PhD, Associate Professor А.V. Vishnyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.S. Frolova1
1Lipetsk State Pedagogical University anmed after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, Lipetsk

Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of elite taekwondokas training for the major event of the season. A new model of taekwondo training process was tested, suggesting a combination of activities in the midlands and on the plain at the pre-season training stage. The functional state of elite taekwondokas was assessed at the stage of direct training for the major event in the midlands and simulating microcycle on the plain. Heart rate variability was analysed at rest and during orthostatic test based on a 5-minute ECG recording using Poly-Spectrum-8/E and Poly-Spectrum-8/EX (Ivanovo, Russia). The study was conducted under standard conditions in the morning after waking up. Based on the data obtained, the integral indicator - general functional state (GFS) was calculated, which was assessed on a five-point scale.
Six highly skilled taekwondokas took part in the study. As a result of monitoring using heart rate variability rates, the training effects that led to successful competitive performance were specified.

Keywords: taekwondo, mesocycle, control, midlands, heart rate variability.


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