Sport legislation codification to improve legal situation in national sports



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.62-64

Dr. of Law, Professor A.A. Soloviev1, 2, 3
Dr. of Law, Professor I.V. Ponkin4
Dr. of Law, Professor V.V. Grebennikov5
1Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Moscow
2Kutafin Moscow State University of Law (MSAL), Moscow
3Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow
4Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
5Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

The article considers the sport legislation codification project viewed as an effective tool to counter many negative trends in the national sports due to the deficiencies of the valid sport legislation and drawbacks of the existing sport self-regulation system. The article gives grounds for the urgent and significant homologation (i.e. improvement of an object or process with its key characteristics being put in compliance with the relevant standards/ requirements, with the path to the compliance being specified) of the Russian sport legislation via its codification; with a special emphasis on homologation of the national autonomous off-/extra-legal regulatory standards in the sport sector. We believe that the proposed initiatives are highly necessary for the progress of the national sports. A top priority in the newly designed legal doctrine for the sport sector must be given to the notion of order as identifying the degree of order/ entropy in the subject sector. The illusions as to the government ability to control the sport sector are more and more diminished, and the sport sector resistance to the governmental control efforts tends to grow. It is the codification that may provide a set of proved tools for the large-scale homologation of the relevant legislative domain and integrated regulation of the sector. The study gives definitions of a few notions including order, autonomous extra-legal regulatory order in the sport sector, and the sport legislation codification. It is noted that the sport legislation codification (viewed as a vehicle for the homologation of order in the sport sector) may largely mitigate the current problems faced by the national sport sector, contribute to the dignity of the Russian sports and improve their image on the global arenas.

Keywords: sport, sport law, sport legislation, lex sportiva, order, autonomous extra-legal normative order, sport legislation codification.


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