Educational provisions for sport club cultural resource mobilisation for general cultural progress of university students



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.47-49

PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Gavronina1
PhD T.I. Chedova1
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Chedov1
S.V. Soloviev1
1Perm State National Research University, Perm

Modern academic cultural system is designed to form general cultural competencies in students that may be successfully built up by the off-class associations and institutions, including sport clubs. Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate a set of educational provisions for the sport club cultural resource being mobilised to contribute to the off-class general cultural progress of university students. The study was performed at Univer Sport Club of Perm State National Research University, with the club statutory activity dominated by two core fields. An analysis of different potential formats of the educational provisions for the off-class activity at the University made it possible to find a few guiding principles of the educational provisions for the general cultural progress of university students in the academic sport clubs, as follows: an individualised approach; focus on the personal students’ gifts being mobilised on a systemic socialising basis; and creating a due social-values-centred environment.
The sport club cultural resource mobilisation for the general cultural progress of university students in the off-class academic education formats must be viewed as a purposeful cultural process, with the trainees, coaching educators and teachers being considered the process subjects; with the consistent cultural environment being established and filled with due content to facilitate the education and training process and contribute to the academic, social and club activity of the students.

Keywords: general cultural competency, pedagogical conditions, educational potential of sport club.


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