Physical education and sports department of pedagogical university: of students' motor coordination abilities rating analysis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №8 2017, pp.6-8

Dr.Hab., Associate Professor V.L. Botyaev1
Postgraduate M.S. Pozdysheva1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The study considers the students’ motor coordination abilities rates versus their progress in the academic sports on the whole and the academic Gymnastics with Training Practices discipline in particular.
Subject to the education process study were the first- and second-year students of bachelor course at the Physical Education and Sports Department.
The education process study showed a multilevel structure of the motor abilities development process. In the conditioning abilities rating tests the students demonstrated better performance rates than in the coordination ones. The physical abilities rating tests versus the gymnastic skills mastering process profiling data showed that the coordination ability rates are the most informative in the data arrays since it is the coordination abilities that determine the individual progress in the gymnastic skills mastering process and, hence, they are pivotal in the students professional competences building process making them fit for a practical education service.

Keywords: motor abilities, conditioning and coordination abilities, interrelations, gymnastic exercises.


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