Teachers' physical activity and health strategies in Tyumen Region



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.94-96

Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education G.F. Shafranov-Kutsev
PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Volosnikova
PhD, Associate Professor G.Z. Yefimova
Tyumen State University, Tyumen

The article gives findings of the teachers’ life quality survey in the southern Tyumen region and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area (YNAA). Objective of the study was to obtain the teacher’s health and physical activity self-rates plus their attitudes to healthy lifestyles. The study data and analyses showed the health self-ratings being largely age-specific and income-level-specific and geographically unspecific i.e. no statistically meaningful differences were found in responses of the southerners and northerners in the subject territory, nor in responses of the rural versus urban subjects. The higher was the income level of a teacher the higher was his/her health self-rating and proneness to a healthy lifestyle. The higher was the physical activity of a respondent the more optimistic was his/her life self-rate. Most of the subjects were found prone to a healthy lifestyle (69% of the Tyumen region southerners and 63% of the YNAA northerners). However, the survey showed the teachers’ physical activity being quite low, with the reported physical practices being dominated by habitual walking (reported by 33% of the sample), while habitual sports were reported by only 5% of the subjects.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, health protection, physical activity, life quality.


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