Physical Culture values in economics students' professionaleducation system



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.29-30

Dr.Ss.Phil., Professor E.Y. Novikova
PhD, Associate Professor Е.V. Malakhova
PhD, Associate Professor А.V. Galukhin
P.A. Kostin
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study considers the values-driven attitudes to the academic physical education in the context of the existing system of professional values. The physical culture related values are studied in a variety of aspects including the healthy lifestyles; physical activity; professional codes of conduct; professional habits; career paths; professional communications; communal consciousness; and the young peoples’ subcultures. The study data and analyses made it possible to classify the guiding values into the following four types. The first-type values consider physical culture as a component of a healthy lifestyle and a progress driver in any kind of professional career. The second-type values consider it dominating in the professional image aspect. The third-type values consider physical culture a communication component in the professional recreation domain. And the fourth-type values consider it a basis for the professionally important physical qualities and skills. The study has found a contradiction in the guiding values due to the cognitive component of physical culture with the healthy lifestyle related aspect coming in conflict with the professional pragmatics. The study provides theoretical grounds for a wider application of health-improvement fitness technologies in the initiatives to build up professionally important qualities and promote corporate sport events and corporate sport clubs as the health-improvement system elements.

Keywords: values, physical culture, profession, lifestyle, students.


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