Movement virtuosity concept in elite athletic training process




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 72-75

UDС 796.092

Dr.Hab., Professor L.D. Nazarenko1
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Kasatkina1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk


Analysis of the available sport literature shows that leading sport specialists tend to differ on the issue of the movement coordination-focused training in the sport skills excelling process. The study data presented herein demonstrates that it is the movement coordination qualities improvement training that will be rated high among the key conditions for the competitive progress of elite athletes being put on a stable and sound basis. The article considers the issue of how the competitive progress of elite athletes may be improved by a focused training to excel the measurable coordination qualities. It offers a new concept of the practical meanings and content of excellence (or virtuosity) basically viewed as one of the movement quality characteristics that refers to the main components, manifestations and types of motor activity; the factors of influence on such manifestations; and the relevant qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria. Results of the educational experiment reported by the study demonstrate that the movement excellence-focused training of women athletes is beneficial for their mastery and competitive progress.

Keywords: elite sports, movement coordination qualities, virtuosity, structured content.


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Received 07.04.2016 г.