Overview of modern sport management theses for last decade (2006-15) (Sport management issues)




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 58-60

UDC 796:658

PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Shirobakina1
PhD, associate professor N.V. Stetsenko1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Lushchik1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

e-mail: shirobackina_prepod@mail.ru

The study offers an overview of the subjects addressed in the doctoral and PhD theses on sport management issues for the last decade of 2006-15. Subject to our analysis under the study were more than 1700 abstracts of theses in Specialty 13.00.04, including 64 theses with concern to sport management problems.
It should be noted that for the last few years – since the sport sector was ranked among the commercial (profit-generating) economic sectors – the sport sector economy has been rapidly commercialized (Yu.A. Zubarev, 2013). In the context of new economic processes and challenges, it becomes more and more obvious that success of the sport sector is dependent not only on professional athletes and coaches, but also on professional managers that are knowledgeable and skilful in the administrative, financial and economic matters and processes important for the sport organizations being managed in a most efficient manner (I.I. Pereverzin, 2003; E.A. Shirobakina, 2015).
The overview of the sport management theses for the last decade demonstrates that this issue has been addressed in a very limited number of studies that make up only 3.5% of the total sample under the study in fact. Top priority aspects of the sport sector management need to be identified in view of the high demand for high-quality competitive management of the national PCS sector and current shortage of specialists in the sector.

Keywords: thesis, sport management, administration, marketing.


  1. Pereverzin I.I. Sovremenny rossiyskiy sportivny menedzher i model ego podgotovki (Contemporary Russian sport manager and his training model) / I.I. Pereverzin // Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. – 2003. – № 2. – P. 59–61.
  2. Shamardin, A.I. Organizatsionnye aspekty upravleniya fizkul'turno-sportivnym dvizheniem: ucheb. posobie (Organizational aspects of management of physical culture and sports movement: study guide) / A.I. Shamardin, V.D. Fiskalov, Yu.A. Zubarev, V.P. Cherkashin. – Moscow: Sovetskiy sport, 2013. – 464 p.
  3. Shirobakina E.A. Reshenie zadach lineynogo programmirovaniya kak sposob formirovaniya upravlencheskikh i ekonomicheskikh znaniy u spetsialistov sportivnogo menedzhmenta (Solution of linear programming problems to form management and economic knowledge in professional sport managers) / E.A. Shirobakina, N.V. Stetsenko et al. // Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury. – 2015. – № 11. – P. 19–21.

Received 09.02.2016 г.