Individualization of physical education of special medical department students to increase efficiency of educational process




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 27-29

UDC 796.011

D.A. Ulyanov
Volgograd State University, Volgograd


Special emphasis is being made today by the Special Medical Department of Volgograd State University on the policies to improve the students’ physical education quality and thereby solve a variety of critical issues related to the students’ personal physical culture, health standards, active lifestyle promotion and other needs.
Physical education process is of special importance today.
Objective of the study was to find correlations of the functional state, physical fitness and somatic health rates for different health groups of the Special Medical Department students.
The study results and analysis identified a few specific correlations in distribution of the functional state, physical fitness and somatic health rates for different health groups of the Special Medical Department students. The data distribution patterns made it possible to individualize the health-improvement tools of the physical cultural education process, select the physical practices best tailored to the individual health conditions and rate the workloads depending of the students’ actual physical fitness rates.

Keywords: special medical department, educational process, functional status, physical fitness, somatic health.


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Received 17.09.2015 г.