Analysis of correspondence of "Coach" occupational standard to regulations and competence requirements




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 9-11

UDC 796:34

PhD, Associate Professor N.I. Nikolaeva1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.P. Matveev2
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Eremin2
1Moscow City Teacher Training University (MCTTU), Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow


The present article deals with the problems of elaboration of the content of professional and educational standards in the physical culture and sports sector in accordance with the newly approved regulatory legal acts. The ‘Coach’ professional standard is analyzed in connection with regulatory changes in the vocational education system. Modern content of vocational education is based on the competency-building approach. Competences must be stipulated in the professional standards and associated with the activities and functions performed by a sports coach in accordance with the Russian National Classification of Occupations of Employees.

Keywords: occupational standard, qualification profile, abilities, coach's activity, sport coach's functions, vocational education.


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Received 11.04.2016 г.