Athletes' performance and working capacity monitoring and correction methods in training and competitive processe



Professor, Dr.Med. V.A. Bukharin
Associate Professor, PhD G.S. Torshin
PhD T.I. Ulitskaya
PhD V.S. Kulikov
Dr.Biol. I.A. Afanasyeva
Associate Professor, Dr.Biol. A.N. Vetosh
Professor, Dr.Biol. M.G. Tkachuk
Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Keywords: athletes’ working capacity correction, biological monitoring, genetic markers, hyperbaric oxygenation, interval hypoxic training, electric impulses, neuropeptide.

Introduction. Training and competitive process of elite athletes in elite sport of today is accompanied by significant physical loads. Improper training process design can lead to the loads causing overstrain, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, which results in decreased performance and immunity in athletes [1-5].

Development of methods of increasing physiological reserves and working capacity of athletes in training and competitive processes, control over their fitness for significant competitions are relevant for all sports.

It is necessary to identify effective, compact, non-doping methods of working capacity correction that make it possible to achieve high results at competitions of various standards. 

Objective of the study was to analyze scientific research on the development of methods of monitoring the athletes’ fitness shape carried out at Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health.

Research methods and organization. Staff of State Research and Development Institute of Socioeconomic Affairs and Sports and Recreation Technologies (SRDI SEA and SRT) of Lesgaft NSU (St. Petersburg) and employees of medical and biological departments of the University have conducted numerous studies on the development of athletes’ fitness monitoring methods, increase of the body’s resistance to hypoxia and preservation and restoration of working capacity. Twenty-three research projects under government contracts with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency have been completed during the last six years.

The main lines of biomedical research are as follows:

– Athletes’ fitness shape assessment at all training and competitive stages as well as assessment of fatigue severity; 

– identification of effective ways of preserving, enhancing and restoring working capacity.

Guidelines were drawn for each of the completed subjects. Subject to study were athletes of the following specializations: wrestling (Greco-Roman wrestling, judo), artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics, weightlifting, track and field athletics, swimming, water polo, biathlon, cross-country skiing, curling, boxing and tennis. Psychological indices, fitness shape of various body systems, cognitive and physical working capacity, body reserves, model characteristics and direct working capacity indices of athletes were assessed [1-3].

Psychological tests, psycho-physiological techniques, clinical and physiological methods, stress tests, endocrinal, immunological and biochemical criteria as well as genetic markers determining methodology were used in the studies. With the help of the working capacity correction methods we developed some athletes won medals in competitions of various standards (Russian and European championships as well as Olympics).

In the study there was used a set of informative physiological, psychological, biological (biochemical, immunological and endocrinal) and biomechanical techniques, a methodology of determining genetic markers of athletes’ physical qualities within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of athletes’ fitness level control methods based on biochemical, immunological and other types of biological monitoring” 2009-2014 (Government contract № 288 as of August 28, 2009) [10].

The selected techniques were aimed at assessing the efficiency of recovery measures after strenuous exercise, including those for athletes of winter Olympic sports. There were analyzed 149 indices from 200 athletes during various periods of their activity.

The set of elite athletes’ fitness shape correction methods was developed and their effectiveness in various sports was assessed as part of a fundamental research, code “Neva-11” (Government contract № dated August 8, 2011). The study involved 60 people: wrestlers (40) and female gymnasts (20), aged 18-21, Candidates for Master of Sport and Masters of Sport [9]. Genetic markers of strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility were defined as separate studies for female gymnasts of the Russian team, including medalists of Russian, European and world championships as well as the Olympic Games. 

Research work “Scientific substantiation of ways to increase footballers’ working capacity in the training and competitive process using neuropeptides and electromagnetic effects” was carried out (Government contract № 593 as of December 3, 2014). Subject to study were 44 football players from two football teams with the skill levels of Candidates for Master of Sports and Masters of Sport. Twenty-two persons made up a study group that used active electromagnetic devices and neuropeptides. A reference group – 22 persons – wore electromagnetic simulators and took placebo. Fitness shape and working capacity of football players before and after the exposure were assessed.  

Research results and discussion. In the course of biological monitoring of athletes majoring in winter sports it was found that significant physical loads led to a decrease in physiological reserves, in particular leukocytic index of intoxication (LII) was higher than normal in 52% of elite athletes, and in 15% of those not doing sports. Cholesterol significantly increased from 3.66 mmol/L to 4.68 mmol/l, triiodothyronine decreased from 91.55 to 68.31 mmol/L. A reduction in the number of T and B lymphocytes was recorded, suggesting a reduction of cellular and humoral immunity. This may indicate defatigation of skiers, reduced physiological reserves of the body and, therefore, a need for correction of the training process.    

The study made it possible to develop a set of physiological, psycho-physiological and biological methodologies including biochemical, immunological and endocrinal ones, assessment of the body reserves of athletes to forecast potential chronic fatigue, burnout, immunodeficiency, acute respiratory diseases and other conditions and to apply appropriate performance correction methods [10].

For the first time a set of techniques to restore fitness shape of elite athletes was developed and tested:

1. Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) combined with electric impulses and neuropeptide administration.

2. Breathing oxygen-helium mixes (OHM) combined with electric impulses and neuropeptide administration.

3. Interval hypoxic training (IHT) combined with electric impulses (EI) and neuropeptide administration. 

Wrestlers and female gymnasts demonstrated a significant improvement of psycho-physiological indices, aerobic performance (PWC170 test) by 8-12% after a course of IHT (10-15 days) combined with EI and neuropeptide administration (р<0.05).

A single use of OHM combined with EI and neuropeptide administration made it possible to enhance physical and cognitive working capacity of female gymnasts. Step test index significantly increased from 101.2 to 118.6 units, CFFF increased from 31.7 to 33.6 Hz (р<0.05).  

A significant functional status improvement of the CNS (LP of CSMR went down from 333 to 319 ms) and physical working capacity (step test index increased from 98.9 to 112.2 units) was recorded in female gymnasts after 10 sessions of HBO, EI and neuropeptide administration. In the reference group just a tendency of the studied indices improvement was recorded as a result of the training process.    

The number of alleles necessary to achieve high results in sports was identified on the basis of genotyping.

Ways of enhancing the working capacity of football players in the course of training and competitive activities by means of neuropeptides and electromagnetic effects were scientifically substantiated. As a result the integral index of their working capacity increased by 4.2%. The functioning of the cortical part of motor analyzer significantly increased. Static strength increased by 7.1 s (р<0.05). The number of tactical and technical actions of football players significantly increased by 22 (р<0.05). The combined use of electromagnetic effect and neuropeptides for 15 days increased physical fitness and technical skills of the football players, especially in terms of strength, speed and endurance exercises. There were multidirectional minor changes of indices in the reference group.

Conclusion. Guidelines on the biological rapid assessment of parameters that are most informative for doctors and teams’ coaches in terms of athletes’ fitness for competitions were developed and published. The use of biological monitoring will help improve the training process significantly, preventing the development of chronic fatigue (a pre-pathological state) and overtraining – a pathological condition.   

Methods of working capacity correction during pre-season, regular season and off-season were recommended. HBO and OHM breathing combined with EI and neuropeptide administration are recommended during the regular season and off-season periods. IHT combined with EI and neuropeptide administration are recommended during pre-season [9, 6, 7, 8].

Methodical recommendations with regards to maintaining, enhancing and restoring football players’ working capacity in the course of training and competitions by means of electromagnetic effects and neuropeptides were developed.

The data obtained will make it possible to achieve high results in competitions of various standards, including World Championships and Olympic Games.

The study was conducted as part of the government task given to FSFED of higher education Lesgaft National State University, St. Petersburg, to perform research works “Development of modern training system for Olympic athletes using freestyle wrestling as an example” and “Development of modelling characteristics of specialized training at the stages of the annual cycle and improving the pedagogical control system (using football, artistic gymnastics and boxing as examples)” (Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia №318 as of April 7, 2015).    


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The article explores a variety of athletic performance and physical working capacity monitoring and correction methods in different sport disciplines. The study data and analyses show that a mix of methods including hyperbaric oxygenation, oxygen-helium mixes, interval hypoxic training combined with electric impulses and neuropeptide administration proved efficient in the performance and working capacity maintenance and improvement. The study made it possible to offer a set of physiological, psycho-physiological and biological methodologies including biochemical, immunological and endocrinal ones to forecast potential chronic fatigue, burnout, immunodeficiency, acute respiratory diseases and other conditions and to apply the appropriate performance correction methods.