University students’ physical fitness in distant education period: variation analysis


PhD, Associate Professor Y.V. Korichko1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Davydova1
A.A. Gladyshev2
E.V. Berdnikova2
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
2Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to analyze the students’ physical fitness variation in the distant educational period.
Methods and structure of the study. We run the physical fitness variation tests in the distant educational period of the Covid-19 pandemic related restrictions in 2020 on a sample of the 3-year Irkutsk State Transport University and Nizhnevartovsk State University students (n=50).
Results and conclusion. The distant education model was introduced in 2020 in response to the pandemic, with the faculty taking efforts to reform the standard classroom learning system and find effective distant education methods and tools. To maintain the optimal physical working capacity, the students were recommended a set of self-reliant physical education practices facilitated by the extracurricular physical education instruction packages and progress tests. It should be mentioned that some students have failed to maintain the recommended physical activity for different reasons. The pandemic-necessitated physical education service transformation into the distant education format has resulted in regresses in the physical fitness standards of the sample in fact.

Keywords: distant education, physical activity, working capacity, physical fitness standard, way of life.


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