Effects of recreational gymnastics on physical state of mature women


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Minnikaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor R.S. Zhukov1
G.Yu. Simenyuk1
O.V. Pecherina1
1Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of recreational gymnastics classes on the physical state of mature women.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the educational experiment were 25 women aged 35-45 years (mean age - 39.4±3.2 years). The subjects' biological age was determined by the methods of Voitenko and Gorelkin-Pinkhasov. Their body composition (fat, muscle, and total water mass) was determined by the method of bioimpedance analysis. We compared the women's anthropometric data and body component composition with the ageing coefficient, biological age, and physical fitness level.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that women with the normal body mass and fat mass indices are characterized by a higher physical fitness level and a slower rate of ageing. The data obtained were statistically processed. A number of indicators (body weight, BMI, fat mass content, etc.) testify to a strong correlation between the biological and actual age (BA/AA) (by the method of Voitenko). We compared the groups with different ageing rates (BA/AA<0.95 and BA/AA>1.05) using Student's coefficient and found that a number of physical fitness indicators differed significantly between the groups.
Proceeding from the findings, the authors conclude that the improvement and theoretically substantiated planning of recreational gymnastics classes, adequate combination of physical loads and the introduction of modern scientific methodological developments in the training process will help increase the level of physical fitness and slow down the involution processes in mature women.

Keywords: women, maturity, body composition, biological age, recreational gymnastics, physical state.


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