Benefits of sanogenetic concept for athletic performance rehabilitation purposes


Dr.Med., Professor  O.V. Leontiev1
Dr.Med., Professor P.V. Rodichkin2
PhD A.M. Fokin2
1Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine (EMERCOM of Russia), St. Petersburg
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Keywords: sanogenesis, autonomic dysfunction.

Background. Sanogenetic approach to health issues has expanded our understanding of the health protection technologies. The sanogenetic approach implies the efforts to harmonize the natural physiological responses critical for the athletic performance; protect health and secure athletic longevity, with a special consideration given to the bodily intersystem links and their complex. This complex of links ensures the sustainable functioning of the body, even when it does not serve the goals of further preservation and promotion of health.

The sanogenesis optimization methods should be physiological, "targeted", and of such a nature as to define depleted and hyperactivated sanogenetic complexes, and thus, aim to temper the activity of the latter and improve the potential of the former. The health-improving measures should be based on a holistic approach, which implies the recovery of the human body, its neuropsychic, somatic and social components.

There are four main long-term body adaptation mechanisms:

1) hormonal activation of the cell’s genetic apparatus and nucleic acid synthesis;

2) stress reaction accompanied by an increase in the cytoplasm of calcium concentration as a universal factor of mobilization of cell functions;

3) mobilization of stress hormones, catecholamines, vasopressins and other hormones that directly or indirectly affect the activity of lipases, phospholipases, the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes, i.e. the regeneration in the lipid bilayers of cell membranes;

4) concentration of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids while allocating resources for improving the respiratory and circulatory functions. What is meant here are the mechanisms of sanogenesis at the cellular and molecular levels [2].

The main mechanisms of sanogenesis are as follows: compensation (a type of adaptive response of the body to damages, when the bodily organs and systems not directly affected by the pathogenic factors take on the functions of damaged structures through substitution hyperfunction or qualitatively new function); restitution and its variation - regeneration, i.e. restoration of those structures of the body that were lost due to illness [1].

Consequently, the body has a wide spectrum of protective and adaptive reactions, which, being under the long-term effect of pathogenic factors, start fulfilling their compensatory function.

Therefore, in addition to the treatment itself, top-class athletes need to maintain their level of health for a long time without exacerbations, i.e. maintain long-standing remission to be in good physical shape and show good sports results.

Objective of the study was to determine the benefits of sanogenetic concept for performance rehabilitation of athletes diagnosed with autonomic dysfunctions.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the Experimental Group were the 27-32 year-old male athletes (n=37) qualified Class I to WCMS, with the 8-25-years-long records in track and field sports (sprint, middle-distance run, high jumps). All of them were diagnosed with autonomic dysfunctions (fatigue, vegetative lability, intellectual mnestic dysfunctions, palpitations and astheno-neurotic states under mental/emotional stresses). Sampled for the Reference Group were the 24-33 year-olds (n=22) free of autonomic dysfunctions.

The study was designed based on the new methodological approaches and up-to-date data on the mechanism of research of sanogenesis, as well as effective means and methods of sanatorium-resort therapy for athletes.

The enrollment requirements included: being an active athlete; having complaints about astheno-neurotic states. Psychosomatic diseases (hypertension and ANS disorders), absence from a checkup 3-6 months after the treatment were the criterion for exclusion from the study.

During the study, we analyzed the completeness, accessibility, and quality of rehabilitation measures, assessed the dynamics of changes in the clinical and psychological states before and after the course of sanatorium treatment and their one-year follow-up control. We provided recommendations on how to use different treatment methods to improve the effectiveness of sanogenesis in patients.

Standard rehabilitation methods under the study (daily regimen, diet, psychotherapy, special physical practices) were complemented by alpha-capsule trainings with varied-intensity sensor impulses to control the physical and mental processes; dosed hyperthermia, aromatherapy, vibration, chromotherapy, as well as complex sanogenetic effects – to offer effective combined health correction, relaxation, weight control, pre-massage, detoxification, sleep improvement and stress programs.

The polysensory effects are known to improve mood, reduce internal tension, have an immunomodulatory and lipolitical effect.

During the study, we registered the indicators characterizing autonomic regulation in the athletes.

Rhythmocardiogram (RCG) is a recording of successive RR-intervals on the ECG or instantaneous heart rate (HRinst). RCG was recorded using electrocardiograph, while carrying out its qualitative and quantitative assessment [3].

The athletes were subject to an active orthostatic test modified by Schellong (see Table 1). After 2-3 minutes of lying on the couch, they were to get up during 2-3 seconds and stand still for 2-3 minutes, during which time their RCG was registered, but not later than 3 minutes after getting up. When in the lying position, the patient's head was to be elevated (either on a cushion or headrest of the couch) and in the standing position the subject’s posture was to be free. The patients were asked not to move their arms or legs, keep silent and breathe evenly. Their initial (direct) and integral indicators were recorded [3].

Results and discussion. The rehabilitative sanogenetic approach-driven training model was found beneficial as verified by the significant improvement of the orthostatic test rates, decrease in the heart rate in the lying and standing positions, and normalized overregulation (P1).

Table 1. Rhythmocardiographic indices in orthostatic test in EG before and after rehabilitation (M±m), n=67


unit of measurement





Control Group

Orthostatic test rate, sec




PRO, c.u.




P0, min–1




P1, min–1


12.1±1.1 *

13.1±1.1 *

Р2 , min–1




HRlying, min–1


60.3±1.0 *

60.9±1.0 *

HRstanding, min–1


76.8±2.1 *

76.0±2.1 *


Note. * – significance of differences between indices before and after rehabilitation (p<0.05);

** – significance of differences between indices before rehabilitation and in CG (p<0.05).

Therefore, the study data and analysis clearly show that after sanogenetic approach-driven rehabilitation, the athletes’ level of autonomic regulation increases significantly and approaches that in the athletes without pronounced autonomic dysfunctions.

Conclusions. Our concept is based on the idea of sanogenetic approach-driven rehabilitation of track and field athletes diagnosed with autonomic dysfunctions. To achieve the main goal - preservation and promotion of their health – we used the following intersystem links: the effects of varied-intensity sensor impulses on the physical and mental processes; dosed hyperthermia, aromatherapy, vibration, chromotherapy, which in combination with the standard rehabilitation methods can effectively prevent autonomic dysfunctions.


  1. Kokosov A.N. Sanogenez. Theory and practice of healing. St. Petersburg: Elbi-SPb publ., 2009. 238 p.
  2. Partsernyak S.A. Autonomic dysfunctions (vegetative neurosis) in the clinic of internal diseases. St. Petersburg, 2009. 391 p.
  3. Sapova N.I. Regulation of heart rate in comfort and extreme conditions: (Rhythmocardiography). Doct. diss. abstr. (Med.). MMA. St. Petersburg, 1992. 48 p.

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Sanogenetic approach to health issues has expanded our understanding of the health protection technologies. The sanogenetic approach implies the efforts to harmonize the natural physiological responses critical for the athletic performance; protect health and secure athletic longevity, with a special consideration given to the bodily intersystem links and their complex. The study analyzes the idea of a universal rehabilitative sanogenetic approach-driven training model application in sports. Sampled for the Experimental Group were the 27-32 year-old male athletes (n=37) qualified Class I to WCMS, with the 8-25-years-long records in track and field sports. All of them were diagnosed with autonomic dysfunctions (fatigue, vegetative lability, intellectual mnestic dysfunctions, palpitations and astheno-neurotic states under mental/emotional stresses). Sampled for the Reference Group were the 24-33 year-olds (n=22) free of vegetative dysfunctions.

Standard rehabilitation methods under the study (daily regimen, diet, psychotherapy, special physical practices) were complemented by alpha-capsule trainings with varied-intensity sensor impulses to control the physical and mental processes; dosed hyperthermia, aromatherapy, vibration, chromotherapy, as well as complex sanogenetic effects – to offer effective combined health correction, relaxation, weight control, pre-massage, detoxification, sleep improvement and stress programs.

The new universal rehabilitative sanogenetic approach-driven training model was found beneficial as verified by the meaningful progress of the Experimental Group in the autonomic control to reach the healthy autonomic dysfunction levels.