Rating benefits of vocational physical education service at medical university


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dorontsev1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Alenurov2
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Sharagin3
E.Sh. Petina1
1Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

Keywords:  students, vocational physical education, questionnaire survey, physical activity, healthy lifestyle. 

Background. Presently the national education system gives high priority to the modern vocational physical education service models [1-5] albeit the service efficiency rating methods are still regretfully imperfect – particularly in application to medical universities.

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the new vocational physical education service rating model tested at Astrakhan State Medical University.

Methods and structure of the study. We run a questionnaire survey of the Astrakhan State Medical University students (n=456) in the academic year of 2016-17, with 20 questions with optional responses in each survey form. The responses were quantified for analysis by the relevant criteria. The survey offered the following three sets of questions: (1) physical activity rating set; (2) healthy lifestyle rating set; and (3) physical education and sport service benefits for vocational progress rating set. Ten questions of 20 tested real physical activity and healthy lifestyle; and the remaining ten questions tested benefits of the physical education and sport service for the vocational progress.

The responses to every question were ranked as follows: most important (3.0 points), second (2.5 points) and third (2.0 points) by importance, followed by computations of ratios for every response option. Proportions of different optional responses were analyzed for every question and set of questions and summarized. In responses to Question Sets 1, 2 and 3 students could score at most 13.8, 11.2 and 20.0 points, respectively, i.e. 45.0 maximal total points. More specifically, the survey data were processed as follows: a proportion of some response was found and multiplied by the above importance factor (on the 3-point scale). The results were summarized for every question, Question Set and the survey on the whole – to see contributions of every set to the total. The total figures were analyzed as characteristic of three physical education and sport service quality components.

Results and discussion. In responses to Question Set 1, the 1-2-, 3-4- and 5-6-year students scored 7.58 (54.9% of the maximum), 7.49 (54.3%) and 6.30 points (45.7%), respectively. Leading in responses to Question Set 2 were the 3-4-year students (6.37 points, 56.9% of the maximum) followed by the 1-2-year students (6.15 points, 54.9%) and 5-6-year students (5.78 points, 51.6%). Our analysis of both of the data arrays showed progress of the healthy lifestyle formation aspect of the physical education and sport service mostly due to the improved physical activity. And leading in responses to Question Set 3 (physical education and sport service benefits for vocational progress rating set) were the 5-6-year students (13.42 points, 67.1% of the maximum) followed by the 3-4-year students (11.06 points, 55.3%) and 1-2-year students (10.21 points, 51.1%).

Then we computed arithmetic means, standard deviations and correlation ratios for each pair of variables to find correlation of the physical education and sport driven vocational performance rates with the physical activity and healthy lifestyle rates. The physical activity, healthy lifestyle and vocational performance rates was found to average 7.25±0.18, 6.14±0.15 and 12.21±0.40 points, respectively, with the relevant correlation ratios estimated at r1.2. = 0.670; r1.3. = 0.752; and r2.3. = 0.797. These results were used to produce the following multiple regression equation: у = 0.33 х1 + 0.27 х2 + 8.87, where у is the vocational performance; х1 is the physical activity rate; and х2 is the healthy lifestyle rate in points.

Thus the vocational performance may be improved by the physical education and sport service by 0.33 points on average when the physical activity grows by 1 point and the healthy lifestyle rate stays the same. And the vocational performance may be improved by the physical education and sport service by 0.27 points on average when the healthy lifestyle rate grows by 1 point and the physical activity rate remains constant. Now if we find the closeness of the correlations using the multiple correlation ratios, we may find the degree of dependence of variable у on arguments х1 and х2. It shows that the vocational performance is 57.9% determined by the physical education and sport service with the joint contributions of the physical activity and healthy lifestyle rates.

We used the specific determination ratios to find that the total determination (57.9%) is 13.0% determined by the physical activity rate and 44.9% determined by the healthy lifestyle rate – that means that an individual progress in the healthy lifestyle formation is more important for the vocational progress than the actual physical activity.

Having now computed the regression balance (the difference of the actual and calculated figures), we may assess benefits of the physical education and sport service for the vocational progress of the future doctors. As demonstrated by the dispersion analysis, 8.4% of the physical activity variation range, 6.9% of the healthy lifestyle variation range and 25.4% of the physical education and sport-driven vocational performance variation range are the academic year (i.e. education service) specific. In other words, the factors of influence on the physical education and sport-driven vocational performance vary from one academic year to the other. Using the regression equation (у = 0.33 х1 + 0.27х2 + 8.87), we computed the above figures for Question Set 3. The actual and calculated data arrays were compared to rate the physical education and sport service tools efficiency for the vocational performance of the future health specialists. The best performance was demonstrated by the 5-6-year students (13.0%), the worst by the 1-2-year students (-16.8%), and the medium by the 3-4-year students (10.1%). Note that the positive figures mean that the actual values are in excess of the calculated values. Totals for the three Question Sets altogether showed the lead of the 5-6-year students in the physical education and sport-driven vocational progress (25.50 points) followed by the 3-4-year students (24.92 points) and 1-2-year students (23.94 points).

Conclusion. The new vocational physical education service rating model was tested beneficial as it give the means to effectively rate and manage the physical education and sport-driven vocational progress and find the priority components and resources of the education service to improve it every academic year.


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Corresponding author: vu2014@mail.ru


The study offers a new vocational physical education service rating model tested at Astrakhan State Medical University students by on a students’ questionnaire survey with the following three sets of questions: (1) physical activity rating set; (2) healthy lifestyle rating set; and the (3) physical education and sport service benefits for vocational progress rating set. The survey data were quantified for analysis by the relevant criteria. The data processing method was the following: the shares of responses were multiplied by the question importance factor on a 3-point scale; with the results summated for every question, set of questions and the survey on the whole. The data processing technology made it possible to analyze contributions of the question sets to the total result. The aggregated rates were fairly representative of the three components of the vocational physical education service provided by the medical university. The survey data and analysis were used to prioritize the vocational physical education service components.