Mental fitness component of functional fitness: seasonal variations in Russian national floorball team


Postgraduate student A.A. Dolgoborodova2
Dr.Med., Professor A.B. Gudkov1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Bykov2
PhD A.V. Demin2
1Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
2Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk

The study reports and analyzes the seasonal functional fitness variation with an emphasis on the mental fitness component in the Russian women’s national floorball team. Thus the situational anxiety was found to widely vary over the season with falls in the transition periods from competitions to the training cycles. The personality anxiety variation patterns were different: thus the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in the extra-/ introversion rating domain found domination of extraverts in the team.
Based on the test data, we found that the physical and mental stressors and the relevant imbalances may be mitigated by a prudent scheduling of the training, competitive and rehabilitation processes with a special emphasis on the latter. The mental stress tolerance may be improved by the special high-intensity mental conditioning sessions, particularly in the top-ranking competitions and precompetitive trainings.
The study data and analyses may be beneficial for the coaching crew of the Russian women’s national floorball team, particularly for the precompetitive trainings prior to the core competitive events of the season, with the mental conditioning component being given a top priority in the functional fitness building process.

Keywords: female floorball players, situational/ personality anxiety, mental stress, extraversion, sport psychology.


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