Accessible environment formation in context of sports for all movement (case study of mass Russian remote festivals



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.97-98

PhD, Associate Professor T.E. Koval1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Yarchikovskaya1
Associate Professor L.S. Rozanova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Sidorenko1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Subject to the study was the new practical approach to the accessible environment formation in context of the global Sports for All movement. The approach is proposed to be tested on the mass open Russian and foreign remote festivals. The study gives an account of the First Russian Remote Festival in Scandinavian Walking with a special emphasis on its sporting and socio-cultural benefits.
The authors came to conclusion that the mass open Russian remote festivals may be viewed as an effective means for the accessible environment formation in context of the global Sports for All movement – in application to the unstructured mass moderately intensive physical activity; with the events recommended for further promotion and popularization.

Keywords: Scandinavian walking, Sports for All, open remote sport festival, experience.


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