Ways to employ ancient sport heritage for junior athletes' training



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №10 2017, pp.32-34

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Achkasov1
PhD, Associate Professor А.V. Aksenova1
Dr.Sc.Phil. S.B. Kulikov1
1Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk

The study presents the empirical data to analyse some mental and educational aspects of junior athletic training process including the academic one. The study shows benefits of the core missions of athletic training process being connected with the historical physical culture in ancient Greece and the key points in the Olympic movement history. It was found that the historical dimension of the modern physical culture helps motivate junior athletes for vocational sports and professional career in modern sport culture. The study demonstrated that analysis of the base educational standards and curricula in the historical context and questionnaire surveys to profile the students’ attitudes to the history of physical culture facilitate progress of both sport educators and active athletes.

Keywords: physical culture, sports, athletes’ mentality, ancient heritage, social priorities, Ancient Greece, Olympic movement.


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