Fitness and its role in physical culture



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.103-104

PhD, Associate Professor А.I. Ryabchikov
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

The national physical culture theory and practice have seen quite a few new terms and meanings coming up in the last few decades. We consider herein the extensive scope and contents of the term fitness. Content analysis of the term made it possible to overview its meanings and definitions and its role in classification of the physical culture types. We have also made a theoretical analysis to complement, simplify and harmonise the existing classification the physical culture disciplines with an eye on the way to make it all-inclusive and clear at the same time. We also offered a few terms for the key components of the modern physical culture including fitness to replace the narrow notion of physical culture commonly interpreted as the non-competitive physical practices for health; and offered applicade as the special term for the professional (competitive) physical culture.

Keywords: aerobics, fitness, physical culture, physical education, types of physical culture, sports, general and professional athletic training, applicade.


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