Health building resource of school education mobilizing based on environmental educative potential



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.97-99

PhD, Dr.Hab. V.K. Spirin1
PhD L.V. Smirnova2
Postgraduate O.A. Chupekhina1, 2
1Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Velikiye Luki
2Secondary School No. 2, Velikiye Luki

In view of the significant educative potential of the sport-cultivating physical education, due theoretical grounds may be applied to integrate the school physical educator’s achievements with the efforts of the school teaching team and families on the whole to jointly build up necessary physical culture in schoolchildren and thereby optimize the age-specific body development processes, step up the bodily functionality and adaptive capability and improve health. Objective of the study was to develop theoretical grounds for and test by an experiment a health building resource mobilising model of school education based on the environmental educative potential being effectively employed.
We developed a practical basis for the health building resource mobilising model to employ the school education environment, with the model success being found dependent on the internal logic and harmony of the schoolchildren’s, teachers’ and families’ cooperation driven by the following: concept of the cognitive process and physical activity integrity; children’s physical activity design and management based on the sport-cultivating physical education tenets and cooperative efforts of the school teachers; joint efforts of the school team and families geared to address challenges of the health-building school activity driven by the concept of the cognitive process and physical activity integrity in the context of the sport-cultivating physical education.

Keywords: health building resource, physical culture lesson, sport-cultivating physical education, teaching staff.


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