Mass university sports development projects: multilateral management model



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.83-85

PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Peshkova
Dr.Hab., Professor S.M. Kosenok
Surgut State University, Surgut

Presently a high priority is being given to the initiatives to improve the mass university sports management system efficiency. We should note that the new challenges of the university sports promotion activities and efforts to lure students to active sports are still driven by outdated models with little if any attention given to the modern trends in the education system management in particular and social system management on the whole.
The study was based on a theoretical analysis and summaries of the available reference literature on the subject plus a students’ questionnaire survey (with 34 students from 24 Russian universities being sampled) timed to the III Forum of the Russian University Sport Clubs Association. The study has come to the following findings: the present situation requires the university sports development project management being designed on a multilateral basis for the reason that it helps fully mobilise a personality resource of every project entity and attain a synergic effect in their joint activity, with their project responsibilities being reasonably shared as required by their core interests, capacities, limitations and competences. We believe that the multilateral management system will give the means to eliminate the still significant disharmony in the efforts taken by different parties and thereby step up the mass university sport efficiency in our country.

Keywords: multilateral management, university sports, students, education process entities.


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