Effects of competitive martial arts on first-year students' psychophysiology



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.43-45

Honoured Master of Sport of the RF D.S. Saveliev
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Sidorenko
St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to explore the effects of competitive martial arts on the first-year students’ psychophysiological potential. Subject to the study were the male students engaged in the traditional academic physical education course under the Physical Education discipline versus the students deeply engaged in martial arts (karate and judo).
Initial tests of the first-year students showed low mental and physiological functionality rates as verified, among other indicators, by the low physical activity rates versus the high stress and emotional excitation rates. An educational experiment under the study generated data on the effects of the traditional versus martial-arts-driven (karate and judo) academic physical education models on the students, the data being interpreted as indicative of the martial arts being efficient in the mental and physiological functionality optimization aspects. The traditional academic physical education was tested to meaningfully scale down the emotional excitation and stress rates and improve well-being; whereas the martial-arts-driven (karate and judo) academic physical education model was tested to meaningfully reduce the anxiety rates and increase the confidence and physical activity rates with the positive improvement of the well-being and moods.

Keywords: psychophysiological potential, students, physical education, martial arts.


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