Applied competitive boxing practices in academic physical education system



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp.17-18

O.V. Kostromin
A.V. Zaitsev

St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Presently the national education system reports the students’ motivations for the academic Physical Education discipline being on the fall, and the situation requires active theoretical and academic efforts being taken to find new educational technologies to reverse this negative trend. However, a statistical report by a research team from Saint Petersburg Mining University showed most of the students still having certain motivations for sporting practices. We applied boxing practices to enrich the academic physical culture and education by the sporting component and tested the method efficiency. The experimental tests showed some growth of the students’ motivations for the physical education and training practices and fast progress as verified by the relevant physical fitness rates. We have developed a list of exercises that may – albeit unlikely be considered final in the scope and contents – still be recommended for practical application in the sport-prioritising academic physical training in vocational sport disciplines. The sport- prioritising physical practices within the frame of the standard and most popular academic sports were tested to improve the students’ physical progress and the emotional appeal of the practices and thereby build up their motivations for the academic Physical Education discipline.

Keywords: students, physical education, motivation, sporting process, boxing.


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