Specific agility training model for 12-13-year-old tennis players


PhD, Associate Professor Mohaned Al Khalili1
M.E. Stepanova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new specific agility training model with acrobatics elements for the 12-13-year-old tennis players as complementary to the standard physical fitness systems.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the12-13-year-old tennis players (n=20) from Tennis Univer Group sport club. The pre-experimental physical fitness of the sample was tested by seven standard tests. The experimental specific agility training model including three modules was piloted for four months.
Module 1 was run after the warm-up phase prior to the core training phase and included the following five exercises: (1) forehand/ backhand jump shots; (2) 3-minute couple volleys; (3) 360° turn shots; (4) smashes; and (5) 360° turn smashes. Module 2 finalized each training session and included the following five exercises: (1) rope jumping; (2) 3kg fitball throws; (3) right/ left wheels; (4) 360° turn right-left high jumps, and (5) front somersaults. And Module 3 was run on an individual off-time (leisure time) basis twice a week as required by the individual training systems designed and controlled by the coach.
Results and conclusion. The pre-versus post-experimental physical fitness tests showed benefits of the specific agility training model as verified by the significant progress of the Experimental versus Control Group in every specific agility aspect.

Keywords: special exercises, specific agility, tennis players.


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