Physical development facilitating model for special classes integrated with university curricula


Dr. Hab., Professor M.I. Lukyanova1
PhD S.G. Bashaeva1
A.A. Istomina1
L.R. Fedulova1
1Ulyanovsk State University of Education, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to offer sound institutional, didactic, psychological and staffing provisions for the physical development facilitating model for special classes integrated with university curricula.
Methods and structure of the study. We used the key theoretical research and analytical methods to summarize the relevant study reports and run a physical progress facilitating model testing experiment in the university curriculum-integrated special classes, plus standard mathematical statistics toolkit for the test data processing. The experiment was run at the Ulyanov Federal State Pedagogical University’s special classes in the 2018-2020 academic years to test benefits of the focused systematic physical development facilitating model for special classes with the progress facilitating institutional, didactic, psychological and staffing provisions.
Results and conclusion. The physical development facilitating model testing experiment in the university curriculum-integrated special classes at the Ulyanov Federal State Pedagogical University was tested beneficial for the faculty physical education service and physical development of the sample.

Keywords: facilitation, physical development, special classes, university environment.


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