IT competency building model for future sports trainers


Dr. Hab., Professor M.G. Kolyada1
PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Bugaeva1
Postgraduate E.Y. Donichenko1
1Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Objective of the study was to offer an IT competency building model for future sports trainers
Methods and structure of the study. We designed the IT competency building model based on the prior studies by many authors and with a special priority to its functional/ structural design logic, model customization options and progress management and forecast capacity.
Results and conclusion. Based on analysis of the relevant theoretical and practical provisions and training systems, we developed the IT competency building model with the structural and functional elements including the following modules: motivational/ goal setting; content; institutional/ technological; procedural; and the progress testing ones. Based on the theoretical analysis and goals of the IT competency building model, we offered the IT competency rating criteria for the professional progress tests.

Keywords: building model, IT competency, sports trainer, training methodology, training provisions.


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