Notions of functional status and functional fitness in professional service contexts: theoretical analysis


PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Salamatov2
PhD, Professor A.N. Sharipov3
1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3Perm Military Institute of the Russian National Guard, Perm

Objective of the study was to theoretically analyze the notions of functional status, functional fitness and constitutional specifics in the modern professional service contexts.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed, for the purposes of the study, the relevant theoretical and practical research literature.
Results and conclusion. We used the operations- and constitution-sensitive approach to analyze meanings and interpretations of the notions of motor activity, motor skills, functional status and functional fitness in the professional service contexts. It should be emphasized that the physical education research community needs unambiguous definitions to clearly specify the concepts of functional status and functional fitness, with the so-called constitutional specifics and body typing elements appearing central for the potential problem solution that could eliminate the notional contradictions and thereby facilitate the professional-service-centered applied physical education service.

Keywords: activity, constitution-sensitive approach, motor skills, functional status, functional fitness.


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