Sociological analysis of students' attitudes to physical education


D.A. Blinov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova2
1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine university students' attitudes to physical education and sports activities through a sociological analysis.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety of Moscow State Institute of International Relations run by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia from February through March 2020. The sociological survey involved the first-year students (n=120, including 61 boys and 59 girls) of the major department, within the Physical Education and Sports discipline.
Results and conclusions. Most respondents believed that a good physical fitness level is essential for life, as its optimal level of development is a condition for preserving and promoting general health, mental and physical health, and it should aim to establish the optimal ratios of the motor, psychophysiological and psychomotor components of preparedness for stresses caused by learning activities. It is special physical exercises that help improve the level of physical preparedness for such stresses.
The main features of the special physical exercises used to improve the level of preparedness for stresses are as follows: formation of the basic reserves of the body aimed to develop the psychophysiological qualities; formation of the mechanisms of adaptation of the leading physiological, mental and motor functions, functional formations.
The authors recommend including in the independent physical training the exercises from such sections as "Sports Games"; "Gymnastics"; "Athletics"; "Swimming" using the principle of variability of motor actions, as they enhance the effectiveness of training and help develop the ability of students to make quick decisions in rapidly changing stressful situations.

Keywords: university physical education, physical training and physical fitness of students, independent physical training, learning activities of students.


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