Sports activities to create inclusive environment for children with disabilities and health limitations


PhD, Associate Professor G.N. Tkhazeplova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Tkhazeplov1
Postgraduate student R.L. Tkhazeplov1
Postgraduate student Kh.Kh. Margushev1
1Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Nalchik

Objective of the study was to reveal the essence of effective educational activities of sports adaptive schools as a condition for creating an inclusive environment for children with health limitations.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied in the study: analysis and generalization of literary sources and official documents of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, modeling.
Results and discussion. The analysis of the current inclusive education model made it possible to take into account the determinants that affect the effectiveness of its implementation in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic: the possibility to group healthy and disabled children into one sporting group is hindered by different approaches to and time spent on training. However, according to the coaches, this form of adaptive physical education has significant advantages over the traditional one for both healthy and disabled children, who feel more comfortable, become more open and trusting to the people around them and to the coaching staff; there is still a need to involve in these activities sponsors and experts - coaches, psychologists, doctors.
The authors conclude that the development of inclusive education in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is based on a shift in the system of underlying values and attitudes at all levels of knowledge and does not exclude adaptive physical education and sports activities as a condition for creating an inclusive environment for children with disabilities and health limitations while providing cooperative multi-professional positive interaction of social groups, as well as trust, respectful recognition of everyone, solidarity in achieving a common goal within an inclusive culture.

Keywords: inclusion, sports adaptive school, health limitations.


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