Simulation of weightlifting training process


Dr.Hab. I.P. Sivokhin1
PhD, Professor V.F. Skotnikov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Fedorov3
PhD, Professor M.S. Khlystov1
A.P. Kalashnikov4
1Kostanay State Pedagogical University, Kostanay
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
4Kostanay branch of Chelyabinsk State University, Kostanay

Objective of the study was to provide the theoretical and methodical substantiation of the effective process of training of highly skilled athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. The study is devoted to the analysis of the scientific data on specific mechanisms of adaptation at the cellular level. We carried out a long-term pedagogical observation of the athletic training process under the pilot model developed on the basis of the scientific data presented in the study.
Results of the study and conclusions. In the construction of the experimental training model, the most important task was to ensure selective hypertrophy of the fast muscle fibers in those muscle groups that determine the working effect of the competitive exercises. We also considered the mechanisms of reaction of the endocrine system to stress loads and the targeted assimilation of hormones into the "target cells" - in this case, into the fast muscle fibers.
The study enabled to systematize the factors that promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in the muscle fibers, on which the intensity of myofibril mass accumulation depends, and which, in turn, affects the strength of muscle contraction. We also studied the factors that suppress the effects of intracellular synthesis of structural proteins and reduce the intensity of accumulation of myofibril mass.
The effectiveness of the developed training model was evaluated during the multi-year cycle of training of elite weightlifters of Kazakhstan, as well as based on the results demonstrated at various international competitions.

Keywords: sports training theory, training process specificity, effectiveness of sports training, weightlifting.


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