Individualization of speed training of schoolchildren during physical education classes


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Alenurov1
PhD D.A. Kazakov1
Associate Professor N.N. Marinina1
M.V. Nekrasova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

The article presents the technology of differential development of speed qualities in secondary school-age students during physical education classes.
Objective of the study was to develop the technology of speed training of schoolchildren during physical education classes.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment involved the 15-year-old students of the general education schools No. 2054 (Experimental Group, boys, n=35 and girls, n=40) and No. 1530 (Control Group, boys, n=39 and girls, n=42), Moscow. The authors tested the possibility of effective use of targeted means of speed training to develop the lagging component of sprint running.
Results of the study and conclusions. Based on the identified features of development of physical qualities, we developed a technology of speed training of the 15-year-olds of different sexes, which implied the application of a specific pedagogical action algorithm and the use of specific physical exercises. The Experimental Group schoolchildren were divided into three sub-groups: Group 1 - those tested with the low maximum running speed rates, Group 2 - with the low sprinter endurance rates (ratio between the 20 m and 100 m run test rates), and Group 3 - with the parity of these rates.
In the Control Group (with the traditional approach to the organization of the training process), the girls demonstrated significant progress in the 60 m run test only, while the boys - in the 30 m and 60 m run tests. In the Experimental Group, there was a significant increase in the 20 m from standing start, 30 m, 60 m, and 100 m run tests. The overall physical fitness rates changed more significantly in the Experimental Group schoolchildren (6 out of 10), while in the Control Group - in 3 subjects only.
The developed technology of speed training of secondary school-age students was proved to significantly enhance their performance in short-distance running by improving the lagging component of sprint running.

Keywords: technology, differential development, schoolchildren, speed training, sprint endurance, maximum running speed, physical qualities.


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