Physical education teachers' competency to form regulatory universal educational actions in students


Dr.Hab., Professor M.A. Pravdov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.Yu. Karpov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the level of teachers' readiness to form regulatory universal educational actions in middle- and long-distance runners.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 139 physical education teachers of the Ivanovo, Vladimir, and Kostroma regions. They were subject to a questionnaire survey designed to determine the way teachers form regulatory universal educational actions in adolescents and the tools they use in the physical education classes.
Results of the study and conclusions. The questionnaire survey showed that 59% of respondents understood the meaning of the term "regulatory universal educational actions", while for 33% it was not quite clear and 8% were unaware of it.
It was found that 44% of physical education teachers considered the formation of the components of the regulatory universal educational actions to be a complex study unit for the middle- and long-distance runners, 28% found it simple, while 23% were undecided.
64% of physical education teachers teach their students how to control own psychological and emotional state as a component of the regulatory universal educational actions. In the formation of individual components of the regulatory universal educational actions, 64% of physical education teachers emphasized the ability to control their emotional state during the lesson, 26% did so occasionally, and 8% did not find it important to teach children self-regulation skills.
The physical education teachers did not pay due attention to the formation of the regulatory universal educational actions in the 5th-7th graders during the middle- and long-distance running practices. They considered it necessary to develop a special methodology for the formation of the components of the regulatory universal educational actions.

Keywords: teachers, physical education, 5th-7th graders, regulatory universal educational actions, middle- and long-distance running.


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