Sports games to correct psychomotor disorders in senior preschoolers


Dr.Hab., Professor I.F. Pleteneva1
PhD, Associate Professor I.D. Emelyanova1
O.A. Podolskaya1
1Bunin Yelets State University, YelSU, Yelets

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate and prove the effectiveness of the use of sports game elements in correcting psychomotor and emotional-volitional disorders in senior preschoolers with health impairments.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 6-7-year-old schoolchildren diagnosed with psychomotor disorders (n=40). The study was conducted at the premises of the Municipal Budgetary Pre-School Educational Institutions No. 31 and 36, Yelets, Lipetsk region, from October 2018 through May 2019.
The methods applied to correct the psychomotor disorders in the senior preschoolers were as follows: study of documents (personal files of the children, health certificates), diagnostics of psychomotor development rates: motor activity level, mental functions (memory, thinking, speech), emotional-volitional sphere; corrective methods (practical): execution of sports games elements.
Results of the study and conclusions. The article concerns the content of the corrective measures and activities aimed to eliminate psychomotor disorders in senior preschool children with health impairments. The authors give preference to the elements of sports games, as they positively affect the development of coordination abilities of such children, enhance their memory, thinking, speech, normalize their emotional-volitional sphere. The inclusion of natural movement complexes (running, jumping, throwing) in the play activity of children with health impairments ensures their desire to win. During the pilot part of the study, we found that the proposed complexes of sports game elements contributed to the development of coordination movements, mental functions (memory, thinking, speech), and emotional-volitional sphere. The complexes performed by the children in the form of running, jumping and throwing were naturally included in the games organized by the teachers in different educational areas. This approach had a positive impact on the process of training of senior preschoolers with psychomotor disorders and helped mitigate their fatigue.

Keywords: psychomotor development, senior preschool children, health impairments, sports games, mental retardation, intellectual disability.


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